
You can find useful tips from the following websites:

The Money Advice Service: They provide useful tools and resources to assist in managing your finance.

Website for Money Helper Tools & Calculators

Turn2Us: They might be able to assist with some financial support and grants.


Warm Home Discount: This is a £140 payment towards the costs of your energy and it is coordinated and managed by your energy supplier.

 You will be notified by the government or you can check with your supplier to find out if you are eligible:

You can also check with your supplier to find out if you are on the correct tariff

There might be schemes managed by your suppliers to assist if you are in debt or is struggling to pay

There are some government schemes or grants that you might be eligible for such as:

Charis Grants 

 Auriga Services

Payments from the government

These are payments made to you by the government if you meet a certain eligibility criteria.

Cold Weather Payment

Extra payment if you receive certain benefits.

You would normally receive it if the temperature in your area is 0oC or below on a daily basis for 7 days

Winter Fuel Payment

This is automatically paid if you get the state pension or another social security benefit (– not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit or Universal Credit)

Provides tax-free support to help pay your heating bills if you were born on or before a given date. It’s usually paid automatically if you get the State Pension or another social security benefit – not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit or Universal Credit.

Visit: for further information

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